Controller version 5.0 -

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The power amplifier controller allows you to control - output power, reverse power, input power, SWR, current, voltage, temperature, if necessary, you can add any other indicators. It can be used in HF and VHF amplifiers, both transistor and tube. The software sequencer - two different delays in milliseconds between the activation of the BIAS signal and the switching of the RX/TX antenna relays, for receiving and transmitting different, is set by the user in the Setup window. The automatic control of the cooling fans, depending on the temperature, has three stages, 0%, 50% and 100% of the temperature level when switching is set by the user in the Setup window. Control of the antenna switch for 5 positions with memory by bands. Supports CAT transceivers Icom, Yaesu, Elecraft, Ten-Tec, Flex, Kenwood, Anan, SunSDR, there is an RF range decoder, the RF decoder allows you to control ranges from any transceiver, the frequency detection time is only 3-5 ms.  Control of the power supply via the CAN bus, switching of two voltages, 42 and 53 volts, when ordering a voltage controller, you can choose any. Control of three antennas with memory by bands. The controller has all kinds of protections, and turns off the amplifier at any error by removing the BIAS voltage, switching the RX/TX relay, and displaying this error on the display with a siren sound. errors detected by the controller, exceeding the output power, exceeding the reverse power, exceeding the input power, exceeding the current consumption of the transistor, exceeding the supply voltage of the transistor, the malfunction of the LPF, exceeding the temperature of the transistor. Remote control of the amplifier via COM/USB, WiFi, LAN.
Controller C5Mid (click to view)
Controller C5Max (click to view)
Controller C5Mini (click to view)

Controller C5Mini
Controller C5Mid
Controller C5Max
RF Decoder
RF Decoder, Icom, Yaesu, Flex, Kenwood, Anan, SunSDR
Power supply control
PCB Size
73 x 54 mm
180 x 78 mm
180 x 108 mm
Price without display
Controller option for a transistor amplifier
Controller option for a tube amplifier
Controller option for VHF amplifier
The program of remote control of the amplifier.

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